Pubblicazioni recenti

Lavori presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Luglio, 2018

La Conferenza Mondiale ACBS riunisce medici, psicoterapeuti e ricercatori a livello internazionale interessati all'ACT, la RFT e le scienze contestuali.

Il seguente workshop è stato presentato all'ACBS World Conference 16
Montréal, Canada, 24-29 Luglio, 2018

The three faces of OCD: Case presentations of therapy with three teenagers, in three languages, by three ACT clinicians

Autori: Francis Lemay, Quebec; Emanuel Rossi, Scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitiva; Susie McAfee, LifeCentre Psychology
Components: Case presentation, Role play
Categories: Clinical Interventions and Interests, Behavioral medicine, Adolescents, OCD
Abstract: This workshop will focus on three distinct cases of adolescent onset OCD. Although all clients were engaged in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the interventions occurred in very different geographic and linguistic contexts (Italy, Quebec, Nova Scotia), using different strategies, befitting each therapist’s style and the specific needs of their client. Each case will be presented by the primary clinician followed by interactive role-play involving the audience and will end with time to debrief with the panel of therapists. The diversity represented across the three case presentations will allow for analysis and discussion of cultural and linguistic influences across context, as well as contrasting therapist styles of doing ACT.
Educational Objectives: 1. Apply ACT-consistent functional analysis to teenage clients presenting with obsessions and/or compulsions. 2. Demonstrate efficient experiential exercises and values-guided exposure sessions to foster the six core processes and develop teenage clients’ psychological flexibility. 3. Demonstrate a stance of therapeutic love involving curiosity, openness, validation, kindness, and compassion to foster clients’ willingness in therapy.

I seguenti poster sono stati presentati all'ACBS World Conference 16
Montréal, Canada, 24-29 Luglio, 2018

ACTeen: a pilot Acceptance and Commitment Training for adolescents

Autori: E. Rossi, N. Glauser, A. D'Andrea, E. Curzi, E. Cucchiari (2018)
Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: ACT, Adolescents, Mindfulness, Groups
Abstract: Childhood and adolescence are characterized by difficulties ascribed to several issues that differ significantly from those observed in adults. Therefore, the application of procedures mainly focused on developmental needs was necessary in clinical practice. Recently an increase of studies and textbooks concerning this age has been observed in literature, and subsequently also in the ACT framework.
In the present study we propose an Acceptance and Commitment Training in a cohort of children and adolescents, achieved by adjusting the group setting instructions included in “ACT for Adolescent" (Turrell and Bell, 2016).
The Acceptance and Commitment Training for Adolescents was organized in a well-defined number of sessions, encouraging the ACT core processes using metaphors, mindfulness exercises and teen-friendly experiences.

Mindfulness, psychological flexibility and wellbeing in a sample of Italian adolescents

Autori: E. Rossi, A. D'Andrea, E. Curzi, E. Cucchiari, N.Glauser (2018)
Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Adolescents, Psychological Flexibility, Mindfulness, Wellbeing
Abstract: Mindfulness can be defined as an awareness that is open-hearted, moment-to-moment and non-judgmental (Kabat-Zinn; 2005). Psychological flexibility can be defined as the ability to fully contact the present moment without defense as a conscious human being and to act in accordance with one's chosen values (Hayes et al., 2006). The main aim of this poster is to analyze and compare correlation between mindfulness, psychological flexibility and psychological wellbeing in a large group of Italian adolescents. Results will include descriptive data and correlation analyses between the ACT core processes of psychological flexibility, mindfulness and wellbeing.


Lavori presentati alla ACBS World Conference - Luglio, 2018
